







The Geopolitics of Peace, Jeffrey Sachs' speech in the European Parliament on Feb. 19, 2025




I’ve known the presidents and/or their teams. Nothing changed much from Clinton to Bush Jr. to Obama to Trump to Biden. Maybe they got worse step by step. 

Biden was the worst in my view. Maybe this is also because he was not compos mentis for the last couple of years. I say that seriously, not as a snarky remark. The American political system is a system of image. It’s a system of media manipulation every day. It is a PR system.




Trump won the 2016 election and then expanded arms shipments to Ukraine. There were many thousands of deaths in the shelling by Ukraine in the Donbas. There was no implementation of the Minsk II agreement. 

Then Biden came into office in 2021. I hoped for better but was profoundly disappointed once again. I used to be a member of the Democratic Party. I now am a member of no party because both are the same anyway. The Democrats became complete warmongers over time, and there was not one voice in the party calling for peace. Just as with most of your parliamentarians, the same way.


最後に、ドナルド・トランプ大統領について少し述べさせてください。トランプはバイデンの敗走の手を望んでいない。 だからこそ、トランプとプーチンは戦争終結で合意する可能性が高い。たとえヨーロッパが好戦的な姿勢を崩さなくても、それは問題ではありません。戦争は終わりつつある。だから、お願いですから、それを分かってほしい。 あなた方の同僚に言ってください。 "終わった "と。 トランプは敗者にしがみつきたくないから終わったのです。 今行われている交渉で救われるのはウクライナです。 2番目はヨーロッパです。

ここ数日、皆さんの株式市場は、交渉と潜在的な平和という「恐ろしいニュース」のために上昇しています。交渉による平和の見通しがこの議会で全くの恐怖をもって迎えられていることは承知していますが、これは皆さんが得ることができた最高のニュースです。私はヨーロッパの指導者の何人かに連絡を取ろうとしました。私はこう言いました、キエフに行くのではなく、モスクワに行ってください。相手と交渉してください。皆さんは欧州連合なのですから。 4億5,000万人の人口と20兆ドルの経済規模がある。 そのように行動しましょう。


Let me end with a few words about President Donald Trump. Trump does not want Biden’s losing hand. This is why Trump and President Putin are likely to agree to end the war. Even if Europe continues with its warmongering, it won’t matter. The war is ending. So, please, get it out of your system. Please tell your colleagues. “It’s over.” It’s over because Trump doesn’t want to hold on to a loser. The one that will be saved by the negotiations taking place right now is Ukraine. The second is Europe.

Your stock market is rising in recent days because of the “horrible news” of negotiations and potential peace. I know this prospect of a negotiated peace has been met with sheer horror in these chambers, but this is the best news that you could get. I’ve tried to reach out to some of the European leaders. I’ve said, don’t go to Kyiv, go to Moscow. Negotiate with your counterparts. You’re the European Union. You’re 450 million people and a $20 trillion economy. Act like it.

The European Union should be the main trading partner of Russia. Europe and Russia have complementary economies. The fit for mutually beneficial trade is very strong. By the way, if anyone would like to discuss how the U.S. blew up Nord Stream, I’d be happy to talk about that too. 




The Trump administration is imperialist at heart. Trump obviously believes that the great powers dominate the world. The U.S. will be ruthless and cynical, and yes, also vis-à-vis Europe. Don’t go begging to Washington. That won’t help. It would probably spur the ruthlessness. Instead, have a true European foreign policy.

So, I’m not saying that we’re at the new age of peace, but we are in a very different kind of politics right now, a return to great power politics. Europe needs its own foreign policy, and not just a foreign policy of Russophobia. Europe needs a foreign policy that is realistic, understands Russia’s situation, understands Europe’s situation, understands what America is and what it stands for, and that tries to avoid Europe being invaded by the United States. It’s certainly not impossible that Trump’s America will land troops in Greenland. I’m not joking, and I don’t think Trump is joking. Europe needs a foreign policy, a real one. Europe needs something different from, “Yes, we’ll bargain with Mr. Trump and meet him halfway.” Do you know what that will be like? Give me a call afterwards.

Please have a European foreign policy. You’re going to be living with Russia for a long time, so please negotiate with Russia. There are real security issues on the table both for Europe and Russia, but the bombast and the Russophobia is not serving your security at all. It’s not serving Ukraine’s security at all. This American adventure that you signed on to and for which you are now the lead cheerleader has contributed to around 1 million Ukrainian casualties.





Netanyahu’s greatest dream in life is the war between the United States and Iran. And he’s not given up. It’s not impossible that a U.S.-Iran War will also come. Yet Europe could stop it — if Europe has its own foreign policy. I’m hoping that Trump will end Netanyahu’s grip on American politics. Even if not, the EU can work with the rest of the world to bring peace to the Middle East.

Finally, let me just say with respect to China, China is not an enemy. China is merely a great success story. That’s why it is viewed by the United States as an enemy, because China has a bigger economy than the United States (measured in international prices). The U.S. resists reality. Europe should not do so. Let me repeat, China is no enemy and no threat. It is a natural partner with Europe in trade and in saving the global environment.

That’s all. Many thanks.





Ukraine, Taiwan and The True Cause of War – John Mearsheimer  

in an interview with  John Anderson Dec 8, 2023



私は、東アジアで戦争が起こる可能性が高いと言っているわけではなく、私たち全員が戦争勃発に備えるべきだと言っているのでもない。それが私の主張ではない。私が言いたいのは、冷戦期の中央ヨーロッパで戦争が起こったよりも、東アジアで戦争が起こる可能性が高いということだ。 2 つ目のポイントは、現在、2 つの大国間の競争、2 つの冷戦、1 つはヨーロッパ、もう 1 つは東アジアにあるということです。一方、冷戦時代は二極世界であり、米国とソ連が関与する 1 つの冷戦があった。

したがって、私たちは非常に危険な時代に生きている。大国が 1 つしかなく、大国間の競争がなかった一極時代よりもはるかに危険な時代であることは間違いない。

If you think about East Asia today, we're talking about a possible conflict breaking out over the South China Sea, over the East China Sea, or over Taiwan. These are wars that in scale would be much smaller than a war would have been in Central Europe during the Cold War. It's easy to imagine a war breaking out over the South China Sea or over Taiwan or over the East China Sea.

So what I'm saying here is because the consequences of a US-China war would not be as great as the consequences of a US-Soviet war in Central Europe during the Cold War, the likelihood of war in East Asia today is greater than it was in the Cold War. And I want to be clear here.

I'm not saying it is likely that we're going to have a war in East Asia and that we should all get ready for a war to break out. That's not my point. My point is that it is more likely that you'll have a war in East Asia than it was you would have a war in Central Europe during the Cold War. And point number two is you now have two great power competitions, two Cold Wars, one in Europe and one in East Asia. Whereas during the Cold War, it was a bipolar world and you had one Cold War involving the United States and the Soviet Union.

So we live in very dangerous times, certainly much more dangerous times than existed during the unipolar moment when there was only one great power and therefore no great power competition.






Well, I think there is no question that we're going to have, for as far as the eye can see, an intense security competition between the United States and China. And I believe that there will be crises along the way, crises involving the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and Taiwan. I think that's unavoidable.

The really important question is whether we can manage those crises and avoid a war. I mean, I think a war over Taiwan or even a war over the South China Sea would be a disaster. I think the problem is that once the war started, it would probably be very hard to shut down just like we're seeing in Eastern Europe with the Ukraine war. It's very hard to shut that war down. So that's what I really worry about, that security competition morphing into a war.

ーーDo I think that with good management, we can get through the next however many years or however many decades without a war? 

I think there's a serious possibility that that's true, but I think there's a nontrivial chance that we will end up in a war. You want to remember what I said before, John. The problem in East Asia is that it's easy to imagine a conflict in the South China Sea or in the East China Sea or over Taiwan or even a conflict up in the Himalayas between India and China. It's much different than during the Cold War when it was really hard to imagine fighting a war in Central Europe because it would have been so horrible.


ーーそうですか? 核兵器の存在は戦争の可能性を低くします。しかし、再び、核兵器が使用される南シナ海での戦争を想像することさえできます。なぜなら、それは海上で使用される核兵器だからです。そして、それは中央ヨーロッパや中国本土で核兵器が使用されるのと同じではありません。ですから、再び、核革命を信じる多くの人々が認識しているよりも、戦争は起こりやすいのかもしれません。



So my point again is the fact that you have these scenarios that could very well happen that are not that horrible, not as horrible as a war in Central Europe makes one very nervous. Now a possible counter to that argument is, look, we live in a nuclear world, and even a minor conflict in the South China Sea or a minor conflict over Taiwan runs the risk of escalating to the nuclear level. And that threat should go a long way towards preventing a great power war in East Asia. I think that's an argument that has a lot of punch. I don't dismiss that argument for one second.

Right? The presence of nuclear weapons makes war less likely. But, again, you can even imagine a war in the South China Sea where nuclear weapons are employed because those are nuclear weapons being employed out in the ocean. And that's not the same as nuclear weapons being employed in Central Europe or being employed on the Chinese mainland. So, again, maybe war is more likely than a lot of people who believe in the nuclear revolution recognize.

So I'm trying to say here that it's a complicated matter where it's almost impossible to come up with firm probabilities as to how likely it is that we will have a war.

Again, I think it's axiomatic that we're going to have security competition, and it will be intense security competition most of the time. But whether or not you get a war, I don't know for sure. But I do think, and this is my bottom line, there is a nontrivial chance that the United States will end up fighting China in the decades ahead.


 Sending Dollars Abroad … via the Military By Michael Hudson, June 12, 2023

ーーバイデン政権に、 脱ドル化のプロセスを止めるための、直接的な軍事介入以外の手段はありますか?

マイケル・ハドソン)いいえ、 今のアメリカには軍事介入しかありません。硬直しています。アメリカは長年、 核兵器に多大な投資をしてきたため、 徴兵制を復活させ、 武装した軍隊を他国に侵攻させることはできません。 ベトナム戦争の時のように、学生の抗議が起きるからです。2015年の米国支援のクーデター後にウクライナ人がやってきているような自殺行為の戦争を、 他の国にもやらせることができない限り、 米国が本当に軍事的に戦うことができるのは核兵器だけなのです。しかし、他の国をウクライナのようなことをやらせるのは難しそうだ。 台湾人がそんなことをやりそうにない。 日本人だけがやる可能性がある

Dimitri Simes Jr. : Does the Biden administration really have any instruments at its disposal other than direct military intervention to try and stop the process of de-dollarization?

MH: No, that’s all that America has now. It’s muscle-bound because for years America has put all of its money into atomic war. So America can’t reintroduce a draft and have an army invading another country because you’d have student protests like you had in the Vietnam War. So all that America really has to fight with militarily is atom bombs. Unless it can get other countries to commit suicide, like the Ukrainians are doing after the American coup d’etat of 2015. But it looks like it’s going to have difficulty having other countries follow Ukraine. And I don’t see the Taiwanese doing this, only the Japanese might be willing to do this.


US Complicit: Israel, Aid and the Congressman’s Circular Flow By Michael Hudson, August 1, 2024



The American ability to fight militarily is going down. And to the military, that means if we don’t have war now and wait till next year in the future, we’ll be less and less and less able to win.

Well, the reality is they’re going to lose wherever they go, unless there’s atomic war and the chessboard is thrown over. And I think their feeling is the Americans are doing everything they can, from Ukraine to Israel to Iran, to try to stir up a retaliation so that they can then say, ah, we’re under attack, we’re purely defending ourselves, and once you tell your population and your voters this is a war for defense, as the Nazis know, you can always get a―as Goebbels said, you can always get a population on your side if you say it’s for defense.

ミアシャイマー)核兵器による世界大戦の可能性がある場所があるとすれば、それは東アジアだ。 ヨーロッパではない。

if there is a place where there is potential for World War with nuclear weapons, it's in East Asia. It's not in Europe.

ーーProf. John Mearsheimer on Trump, Ukraine, Nuclear War, Israel-Gaza, and the Dangers of Multipolarity, Jasmin Kosubek  2024/11/03