





“Liberal” Is Becoming a Slur in America by Alexander Dugin JAN 24, 2025


Alexander Dugin argues that the rapid conservative revolution unfolding in the United States under President Trump mirrors Russia’s own turn to traditional values, challenging the dominance of the left-liberal globalist agenda.




What has transpired in the United States following Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential elections, the inauguration process, and the transfer of power, demonstrates that we are witnessing a rapid process of conservative revolution in the U.S. The system of values is changing in a direction almost diametrically opposed to its previous trajectory. The principles Trump and his team are proclaiming, along with the initial steps they are taking, stand in complete contradiction to the left-liberal ideology underpinning the orientations, strategies, and actions of the globalists.

Essentially, what is happening today is a profound transformation and even a schism within the West into two poles. One of these poles remains left-liberal and globalist. It has been embodied by Biden and almost all his predecessors, including Republican George W. Bush Jr., who posed no alternative to the left-liberal agenda.

The second pole, however, is Trump and Trumpism itself. This is conservative America, which has essentially rejected left-liberal ideology entirely, advocating instead right-conservative principles. Notably, this is no longer even right-liberal but distinctly right-conservative, as many representatives of the Trumpist camp speak of post-liberal values and outright rejection of liberalism as such.




The very word “liberal” is becoming a slur in America. These changes are occurring so dynamically and rapidly that many have not yet grasped just how substantial these transformations are, both for the West as a whole and for American society in particular.

Globalist left-liberal values are being replaced by traditional ones. There is a shift from liberal progressivism to conservatism and even traditionalism. In fact, Trump and the Trumpists are promoting a value system closely aligned with the one proclaimed by Russia. In this regard, Putin’s Decree No. 809 on traditional values, Russia’s ban on the promotion of perversions and gender politics, the emphasis on patriotism, prioritizing the spiritual over the material, and many other foundational principles are now being realized by Trump.

What is striking is how rapidly he is implementing these changes. Not long ago, those who held such views were complete outcasts, shunned and “canceled” under the so-called cancel culture, branded with inflammatory labels like “far-right,” “fascist,” and so on. But after Trump”s rise to power, they suddenly found themselves at the center of political and social discourse. Support for right-wing conservatives and traditionalists within American society is enormous. Unlike during Trump’s first term, this has now evolved into a significant socio-political trend.





For us Russians, it is crucial to understand how to act in this emerging situation. One of the core aspects of our civilizational identity — our challenge to globalism — is now, in a certain sense, being co-opted by the Trumpists. Against this backdrop, with the dynamism, decisiveness, extravagance, and boldness of the changes unfolding in the U.S., we no longer appear as pioneers or trailblazers.

No, we are not ceding leadership in this domain, which remains one of our strongest suits: the proclamation of traditional values, the rejection of gender politics, and many other good and important initiatives that Russia has embraced in recent years. However, we have failed to bring vibrancy and dynamism to our own approach to identity, traditional values, and conservative ideals.

Our process has been protracted, hesitant, and riddled with constant retreats, compromises, and concessions to liberalism. Moreover, it is evident that a significant portion of our elites has been forced to accept the policy shift towards traditional values, perceiving it as something temporary and formal, in the hope that it will soon end.

Thus, our profound conservative pivot today feels muffled and uncertain, like it is happening in a muffled and half-hearted manner. In reality, we need to boldly promote these ideas, presenting them in an appealing and vibrant manner. This involves creative media formats, new television programs, debates, artistic works, and more.



それにもかかわらず、私たちは延々と頭を下げ、謝罪し、言い訳をし続けている。これは品位のある特徴ではない。アメリカ人ですら放棄しつつある、左派リベラル、西洋主義、世俗主義、近代主義、ポストモダニズムのナンセンスはもうたくさんだ。私たちはロシア人だ。神は私たちと共にある! 私たちは伝統的な価値観を守り、1990年代から縛られてきたWHOの指令や資本主義の手順は必要ない。偉大なロシアを築き、私たちの国家を樹立し、帝国をそのすべての輝きと力で復活させ、回復させよう。私たちは社会を悩ませている虚無主義的な傾向、倒錯、腐敗、腐敗と容赦なく戦わなければならない。

It is essential that we fear nothing, that we assert our values, interests, and ideals, and that we defend our identity. Certainly, it is commendable that Decree No. 809 is being emphasized and implemented across the board. However, it feels as though we have yet to ignite the ruling class with these traditional values. Much of it appears to be performed out of duty. Those tasked with this responsibility either partially believe in the necessity of this value shift or do not believe in it at all, merely pretending to agree. This is palpable and unmistakable — especially when contrasted with the dynamic, bold conservative transformations of Trumpism. For this reason, we must not lose momentum under any circumstances.

On the contrary, we must elevate our conservative-ideological strategy to a fundamentally new level. We must fearlessly proclaim our values, interests, and ideals, defend our identity, and speak more about the greatness of the Russian people, our Empire, and the significance of Orthodoxy. While doing so, we must emphasize that alongside the state-forming Russian people, our Empire holds a place of honor for our other illustrious Eurasian nations. And alongside Orthodoxy, our primary and foundational religion, there exist other traditional faiths as well.

Yet, we continue to bow endlessly, apologize, and make excuses. This is not a dignified trait. Enough of this left-liberal, Westernist, secular, modernist, and postmodernist nonsense that even the Americans are abandoning. We are Russians; God is with us! We uphold our traditional values, and we do not need any WHO directives or capitalist procedures to which we have been tethered since the 1990s. Let us build a Great Russia, establish our state, and revive and restore the Empire in all its splendor and might. We must ruthlessly combat the nihilistic tendencies, perversions, decay, and corruption that plague society.



ここで、私たちがトランプ主義で受け入れて称賛するものと、敵対勢力として残るものとを明確に区別することが重要である。トランプが約束どおりにアメリカを「再び偉大にする」ことに成功した場合、私たちにはロシアに対しても同じことを確実に達成する以外に選択肢はない。 MAGAのような頭字語は必要ないが、長い社会的、文化的眠りから目覚め、あらゆる分野でロシアの偉大さを復活させなければならない。今立ち上がって未来へ飛躍するか、そうでないかのどちらかだ。

It is time for us to gather our strength and imbue our patriotic reforms and return to traditional values with renewed dynamism. To achieve this, we need both a rotation of elites (perhaps through the creation of an analog to the American DOGE — Department of Government Efficiency — now headed by Elon Musk) and the unleashing of the creative potential of ordinary people, of our entire nation. Without this, we will fail to be genuinely convincing even to ourselves.

Otherwise, we risk losing the brightness, avant-garde nature, and relevance of our advantages and unique strengths. Not that they will disappear, but they may be overshadowed or surpassed by those who are not only not our friends or allies but, on the contrary, are using their conservative turn to strengthen their own global hegemony.

Here, it is crucial that we draw a clear line between what we embrace and applaud in Trumpism and what remains an adversarial force. If Trump succeeds in making America, as he promises, “great again,” then we are left with no choice but to ensure we achieve the same for Russia. We do not need an acronym like MAGA, but we must revive Russia’s greatness in all spheres, awakening from a long social and cultural slumber. Either we rise now, making a leap into the future, or we will face a difficult reckoning.



今日のために生き、きわめて迅速に生き、 ――きわめて無責任に生きるということ、このことこそ「自由」と名づけられているものにほかならない。制度を制度たらしめるものは、軽蔑され、憎悪され、拒絶される。すなわち、人は、「権威」という言葉が聞こえるだけでも、おのれが新しい奴隷状態の危険のうちにあると信じるのである。それほどまでにデカタンスは、私たちの政治家の、私たちの政党の価値本能のうちで進行している。だから、解体させるものを、終末を早めるものを、彼らはよしとして本能的に選びとる・・・

Man lebt für heute, man lebt sehr geschwind – man lebt sehr unverantwortlich: dies gerade nennt man »Freiheit«. Was aus Institutionen Institutionen macht, wird verachtet, gehaßt, abgelehnt: man glaubt sich in der Gefahr einer neuen Sklaverei, wo das Wort »Autorität« auch nur laut wird. Soweit geht die décadence im Wert-Instinkte unsrer Politiker, unsrer politischen Parteien: sie ziehn instinktiv vor, was auflöst, was das Ende beschleunigt... 



私の自由の概念[Mein Begriff von Freiheit]。或る事柄の価値は、ときとして、それが達成されたなかにあるのではなく、そのために支払われるもの、 その費用のうちにある。一つの例をあげてみよう。 自由主義的制度は、それが達成されるやいなや、自由主義的であることをただちにやめる。あとになってみると、自由主義的制度にもまして忌まわしい徹底的な自由の加害者はないのである[Die liberalen Institutionen hören alsbald auf, liberal zu sein, sobald sie erreicht sind: es giebt später keine ärgeren und gründlicheren Schädiger der Freiheit, als liberale Institutionen]。この制度が成就するものの何であるかは、よく知られている。すなわち、それは力への意志を危くし、 それは山や谷を切らして道徳へと高まったものであり、それは、卑小に、臆病に、逸楽的にする、 それでもって凱歌をあげるのはいつでも群居動物である。自由主義、これは平たく言えば群居動物化のことにほかならない・・・[Liberalismus: auf deutsch Heerden-Verthierung ... ]


Dieselben Institutionen bringen, so lange sie noch erkämpft werden, ganz andre Wirkungen hervor; sie fördern dann in der Tat die Freiheit auf eine mächtige Weise. Genauer zuge-sehn, ist es der Krieg, der diese Wirkungen hervor-bringt, der Krieg um liberale Institutionen, der als Krieg die illiberalen Instinkte dauern läßt. Und der Krieg erzieht zur Freiheit.

いったい自由とは何か? 自己責任への意志をもつことである。私たちを分離する距離を固持することである。辛苦、冷酷、窮乏に対して、生に対してすら無関心となることである。おのれの問題のために、おのれ自身をもふくめて人々を犠牲にする用意のあることである。自由とは、男性的な本能、戦いと勝利をよろこぶ本能が、他の本能を、たとえば「幸福」の本能を支配することを意味する。

自由になった人間は、自由となった精神はなおさらのことだが、小商人、キリスト者、牝牛、婦女子、イギリス人、 その他の民主主義者が夢想する軽蔑すべき安穏さを踏みにじる。自由な人間は戦士である。

Denn was ist Freiheit? Daß man den Willen zur Selbstverantwortlichkeit hat. Daß man die Distanz, die uns abtrennt, festhält. Daß man gegen Mühsal, Härte, Entbehrung, selbst gegen das Leben gleichgültiger wird. Daß man bereit ist, seiner Sache Menschen zu opfern, sich selber nicht abge-rechnet. Freiheit bedeutet, daß die männlichen, die kriegs- und siegsfrohen Instinkte die Herrschaft haben über andre Instinkte, zum Beispiel über die des »Glücks«. 

Der freigewordne Mensch, um wie viel mehr der freigewordne Geist, tritt mit Füßen auf die verächtliche Art von Wohlbefinden, von dem Krämer, Christen, Kühe, Weiber, Engländer und andre Demokraten träumen. Der freie Mensch ist Krieger.





ナショナリズムとリアリズムの間には何らかの類似性があるに違いない[there must be some affinity between nationalism and realism, even if nationalism is not a key variable in realist theory. ](ミアシャイマー「いとこ同士のキス:ナショナリズムとリアリズム」John J. Mearsheimer, Kissing Cousins: Nationalism and Realism, 2011)




Because nationalism is the most powerful political ideology on the planet, it invariably trumps liberalism whenever the two clash, thus undermining the order at its core. 

In addition, hyperglobalization, which sought to minimize barriers to global trade and investment, resulted in lost jobs, declining wages, and rising income inequality throughout the liberal world. It also made the international financial system less stable, leading to recurring financial crises. Those troubles then morphed into political problems, further eroding support for the liberal order.

(ミアシャイマー「失敗する運命ーーリベラルな国際秩序の興亡」 John J. Mearsheimer, Bound to Fail The Rise and Fall of the Liberal International Order,  2019)




Liberalism and nationalism are obviously distinct ideologies. The individualism at liberalism's core, coupled with its emphasis on inalienable rights, makes it a universalistic ideology. Nationalism, in contrast, stresses the importance of the group over the individual and is particularistic all the way down. (…) 

What makes unbounded liberalism so dangerous to nationalism is its potential to weaken national identity―that is the powerful inclination for individuals to closely identify with their nation.

(ミアシャイマー「現代アメリカにおけるリベラリズムとナショナリズム」John J. Mearsheimer, Liberalism and Nationalism in Contemporary America, 2020)
