



このまま右肩上がりを前提にし続ければ、意外に人類の滅亡は早いんじゃないでしょうか。 もはや、滅亡をどう先送りするかという地点にまで来てしまったのではないでしょうか。〔・・・〕


ここで、無主主義という観念を導入した方がいいと思います。今は民主主義が尖鋭化して全体主義になった状況を考えた方が世界を見易いですが、独裁者がいるかと問われれば、 いないでしょう。主人はマネーかもしれないんです。(古井由吉『新潮 45』2012 年 1 月号 片山杜秀との対談)





Jacques-Alain Miller: “Lacan Foresaw the Global Domination of Capitalism”


8 August, 2022  Oscar Ranzani*



How can one think about capitalist discourse today in a world marked by the advance of the ultra-right?


– Lacan formalises the capitalist discourse when all the youth and beyond were talking about capitalism. It was the great question of '68, for example. Lacan sought in the culture of his time the essential concerns and gave them a translation in his discourse in order to divert, to have an impact on these issues without rejecting them, accepting them in order to transform them. When people spoke of the capitalist discourse, it was because it seemed
that there was an alternative in the communist countries, with the Third World, but which was more sympathetic to the left. This is not the case today. Capitalism is everywhere. Globalisation is the globalisation of capital. There is no alternative. Or the alternative is between democratic capitalism and authoritarian capitalism. 

And I think that if Lacan thought about things today, his formalisation of capitalist discourse would be different. At the same time, I have an anecdote that perhaps says the opposite of what I am saying.


– かつて、私的な会話の中で、私はラカンに中国で何が起こっているかについてどう思うか尋ねた。 1960年代のことだった。私はマオイストで、毛沢東が中国でやろうとしていることは全く前例のないことだと考えていた。するとラカンは私にこう答えた、「他のどこでもそうであるように、北京でも主人はマネーだ」。その予測と洞察において並外れたものだった。彼はすでに、未来は資本主義が世界を支配するという考えを持っていた。

How does it go? 

– Once, in a private conversation, I asked Lacan what he thought about what was happening in China. It was in the 1960s. I was a Maoist and I thought that there was something totally unprecedented that Mao was trying to do in China. And Lacan answered me: “In Peking, as everywhere else, the master is money”. It was extraordinary in its anticipation and lucidity. He already had the idea that the future was the domination of capitalism in the world. 



Not so long ago, the dominant narrative was based on the interplay between at least four discourses: the political, the religious, the economic and the cultural, in which the political and the religious aspects were the most important. Today, they have all but disappeared. Politicians are fodder for stand-up comedians, religion calls up images of sexual abuse or suicide terrorism, and as for culture, everybody is now an artist. There is only one dominant discourse still standing, namely the economic. We live in a neoliberal society in which the whole world is one big market and everything has become a product. Furthermore, this is linked to a so-called meritocracy in which everyone is held responsible for his or her own success or failure – the myth of the self-made man. If you make it, you have yourself to thank; if you fail you have only yourself to blame. And the most important criterion is profit, money. Whatever you do must bring in the cash; that is the message.

(ポール・バーハウ Paul Verhaeghe, Higher education in times of neoliberalism, November 2015)

※このラカン派ポール・バーハウのいう経済的言説はラカンの資本の言説[le discours capitaliste]の言い換えである、➡︎最悪の時代への突入


今日、私たちは家父長制の終焉を体験している。ラカンは、それが良い方向には向かわないと予言した[Aujourd'hui, nous vivons véritablement la sor tie de cet ordre patriarcal. Lacan prédisait que ce ne serait pas pour le meilleur. ]。〔・・・〕

私たちは最悪の時代に突入したように見える。もちろん、父の時代(家父長制の時代)は輝かしいものではなかった〔・・・〕。しかしこの秩序がなければ、私たちはまったき方向感覚喪失の時代に入らないという保証はない[Il me semble que (…)  nous sommes entrés dans l'époque du pire - pire que le père. Cer tes, l'époque du père (patriarcat) n'est pas glorieuse, (…) Mais rien ne garantit que sans cet ordre, nous n'entrions pas dans une période de désorientation totale](J.-A. Miller, “Conversation d'actualité avec l'École espagnole du Champ freudien, 2 mai 2021)